Stop trying to set me up....

I've been single for nearly a whole year now, and honestly, it's not really bothered me that much. After my last break-up, I decided to enjoy all the things life had to offer me, and I've not regretted it at all. However, being single hasn't escaped the notice of family, friends, and pretty much everyone really. For some unknown reason, it's become the topic of many awkward conversations, with many people asking why I'm single (which if it isn't code for 'what's wrong with you?' I'll be damned). So since when was being single for a year such a big problem?

Being single is great, there's so much you can do without having to consider a significant other in your life. You don't have to worry whether you're spending too much or too little time with them, if talking to other guys bothers them, or if you decide to hang out with your friends instead of date night. It's amazing, I can do whatever I want, whenever I want, all on my own terms. I don't have to spend my money on other people, or feel guilty when people spend money on me. In every sense, I am completely independent for the first time in my life, especially now I'm renting a house as well, and I love the freedom I have. Why on earth would I give all that up?

Whilst some people (and quite rightly so) don't care about my relationship status, others have made it their soul mission to find me Mr. Right. Stop trying to set me up! It'll never work. I'm far too picky with guys, and seriously, if you know my dating history, I think it's fair to say this is a privilege I've earned. Why waste my time with someone if I know it's not going to last? I have far too much stuff to do in my life without wasting my time on guys who aren't worth it. I think that deep down there's too much of an old romantic in me to waste my time floating between guys if I'm not sure they're right for me.

I'm not saying that if the right guy came along tomorrow that I'd say no, I'm a true believer that the universe will sort something out eventually and that love will happen when it's meant to happen. There are definitely times when I feel a bit lonely, and having a boyfriend would be wonderful. But honestly, I'm alright. The world isn't going to end just because I don't have someone to go home to every night, or someone to text all the time and curl up to on the sofa. As great as these all are, it's hardly my biggest priority in life at the moment.

And for the record, no I'm not going to try online dating/tinder. No, I won't be a crazy cat lady. And please for the love of God don't tell me 'there's plenty more fish in the sea', and that 'I need to put myself out there'. No. No. No.

I'm a single lady who is happy doing whatever I want; not some sad, lonely damsel in distress who needs saving and setting up with someone. That's not how it goes. So stop feeling sorry for me. I'm fine honestly.
Much love

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