Do you hear the people sing?

So it really feels like the world is going crazy at the moment, but everyone seems too afraid to talk about it.

The highs and the lows of the world seem to be pushing themselves further apart, and it feels like the world could implode at any given moment. The easy middle ground of contentment has vanished, as we drift in a sea of despair and disbelief. Whilst it seems easy to hide away with the curtains shut, there are too many unpredictable idiots in power (Trump, Putin, Kim Jong-un), who seem to view the world as if they are playing one big game of Risk, making the fate of the world as we know it look increasingly uncertain.
But what can we do about it?
Everyone has an opinion, and we should all be voicing them. Change doesn't stem from silence, and many of us refuse to stay mute. My twitter is constantly exploding with everyone getting involved and having their say on the world's events. Even the quietest voice from the furthest corner of the world can be heard through the power of the internet, so let it be heard. The sheer volume of hate in the world makes me want to scream for 24 hours a day at the top of my lungs, but there isn't much I alone can do about it all. All I can really do is keep screaming, and hoping that eventually, the people at the top of this political pyramid pay attention to the voices below.
Spread as much love, awareness, and unity as you can as you drift on through your life. Don't be one of those people who constantly complains about the state of the world and the despair of humanity, whilst you sit there and do nothing about it. Show compassion everywhere you go, and march and sing and scream until people pay attention to you.
We need to keep talking about everything that is going on in the world. Talk to your family, your friends, your colleagues. We can't let things pass us by, and we can't be silent when the rest of the world is screaming.

I'm the same, I'm the same, I'm trying to change...

When I first started writing this blog, I had this grand vision of writing about all the wonderful places I would travel to, and all the new and exciting things I would be getting up to. However, being awful with money and tied to too many responsibilities (family, uni, jobs), my blog, and my life, didn't quite pan out that way. So in order to feed the need to keep writing, despite the fact I have barely left my hometown in the last few months, I have written about the one subject I know very well; myself. I'm currently in the process of trying to figure out what it is I want from life, a theme which pours out of me in my last few blog posts, but I get so fed up of being that person who doesn't seem to talk about anything else.
I try to blog about all manner of things, but often I end up writing about what's going on in my mind, which feels incredibly selfish in hindsight. It also makes me look incredibly silent on issues such as feminism, politics and just equality in every form. It's not that I'm not passionate about these topics, and trust me if you've ever crossed paths with me whilst I'm in one of my rants, you'll know; I'm just a bit useless at putting my opinions down on paper. Maybe it's because it reminds me a bit of writing academic essays, and I'm still recovering from uni, or maybe I just have a complete mental block when I go to write them up.
It is very easy to get caught up in all your own problems, and remain ignorant to the world outside. I am guilty of this through and through. I become ridiculously overdramatic about things which in the grand scheme of things, don't really matter at all. There are much bigger issues in the world than little me and my existential crisis.

So this is my promise. I'll try not to be so selfish in my blogs, constantly blogging about all the worries in every little corner of my mind. I'm going to try and broaden my writing to be more inclusive of what's going on in the world. So yes, brace yourself for more feminist rants. And brace yourself for the many anti-Trump posts. And maybe my blogs won't single-handedly change the world, but living in the world we're in at the moment; I have to do something.