The New Year review...

Blimey what a year. 2017 has been (and please excuse the horrible cliché) a life changing year. I feel like I have done literally everything, which I'm well aware is a huge exaggeration, but seriously, I have accomplished loads. In the thick of it all though, you never realise just how much you are doing. It's only in these moments of reflection that you actually see how far you've come.
For example, as I sit and write this now, I'm currently curled up in my new Christmas pyjamas and dressing gown, with a casserole cooking in our new slow cooker (cheers mum, truly a fab and underrated xmas idea, because coming home to food ready cooked brings me so much joy). I've definitely cracked this whole 'adulting' thing. 2017 has been the most 'adult' year of my life, and I have to admit I bloody love it. I've always been a bit of an old soul, never really felt comfortable going out and awkwardly dancing in clubs; so it's nice to finally settle down into the age I feel I was truly prepared for. There is nothing better than having cosy nights in with James, curled up with lovely food, a film, and good cup of tea. I genuinely believe I've only worn heels once or twice this year. I'd much rather be chilling out in my slippers, thank you very much.
So here is the slightly smug list of things I have done this year...
I started dated James in March. Moved into his flat with him in June, and then moved into our own flat in September.
I passed my driving test in March and bought my car, Carrie in June, and have not crashed, got a ticket, or caused harm to myself, my passengers, my car, or other cars, which is nothing short of a miracle.
Went to Majorca in May with my mum and Adam, and Corfu with Steph in July, because only having one summer holiday a year is so overrated.
Went to Amsterdam with James for my 23rd birthday (Jesus I'm old now, I was 19 when I started this blog), and had a really great time. Apart from the cycling.
Bought a sofa in October. How damn adult is that?! Plus we've essentially sorted out everything we needed for our flat, like a dining table, bedside tables, and all the weird things you don't realise you need to actually live.
Had my first ever Christmas morning somewhere other than my mums with James, which was so lovely and chilled, and we made the worlds-worst gingerbread house.
Saw Royal Blood with my brother and Bananarama with my Mum both in  November, and remembered how much fun gigs are.
Been on countless mini-adventures and days out, mostly with James, to places like Corfe Castle and Winchester, keeping the wanderlust dream alive.
Started making loads of stuff like candles and jewellery, and we turned out to be quite good at it.
There are so many more things I've done this year, like cooking my first ever roast, wearing a bikini and not giving two shits about what anyone thought of me in it, and jumping off of a boat. I've gained loads of new friends, and a new family as well through James, which I am incredibly grateful for.
All round, a pretty good year!
Roll on 2018, I have never been so excited for a year to begin, because I actually for once feel settled and ready for it.
Happy new year everyone, much love

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