The Christmas countdown...

It's the most wonderful time of the year

I think we can all safely say that nothing beats the feeling of contentment during Christmas in the evening, when you're surrounded by loved ones and feeling gluttonous from stuffing your face with pigs in blankets. But alas dear friends, I have a confession. 
I am so out of the Christmas spirit.
It breaks my heart. Surprisingly, I am constantly surrounded by the season at work, but it's like it hasn't sunken in at all. I am not absorbing the festivities as I usually would. I did all the usual tricks; went to a garden centre to surround myself with twinkling lights and baubles, bought most of the presents, and I've even ordered the turkey. So why on earth am I feeling so mundane about it all?
Christmas this year has been very stressful. A plethora of things have been currently going on in my world, least of all the *small* issue that our flat has some damp and mould issues that are a borderline health hazard. Add to that the usual work/life/money woes, and it's pretty obvious how Christmas has fallen off my radar somewhat. 
Plus, I'm starting to understand that Christmas when you don't live at your mums is absolutely chaotic. The above picture was from last year, in front of a tree I had absolutely no involvement in putting up. But when you've moved out, no one else is going to buy or put up a tree. No one else subtly sneaks in tubs of chocolates and twiglets to snack on. There isn't a warm, readymade Christmas atmosphere waiting for you to come home to.  All that shit depends on you. How on earth do mums cram it in? I can barely find the time to blog, eat or sleep, let alone actually go out and buy a Christmas tree. I haven't had the time to decorate the flat at all, we have a few decorations which we've slowly accumulated, but there isn't a shred of it out. Our flat is currently a Christmas-free zone. If only it looked like this display in Gould Garden Centre...
I am so aware that it's the 14th of December, and I need to get my shit together, proto.
Basically, I need some Christmas spirit, fast. So if anyone wants to constantly remind me of all the wonderful things about Christmas that would be great. Or you could bring us a Christmas tree. And if you could wrap my Christmas presents for me whilst you're at it, that would be even better. 
Much love 

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