Under pressure and looking forwards...

2016 is going to be one hell of a year.
I've been saying it for ages, that eventually I was going to have to get my act together and fully become an adult, but officially that time has come. To be honest, I am freaking out a little bit. It feels like yesterday I started my degree and moved to Winchester, but now in 6 months time I will have completed my degree, and will no longer be living there. Just where has the time gone? So I need to make a plan of action, and get myself organised because this time next year, my life is going to be very different. There's so much I want to do, and do well with justice, that I'm putting the pressure on myself big time.
  • I want to finish my dissertation and university, and come out the other side knowing I did the absolute best that I could.
  • I want to travel and have adventures in places I've never been to before.
  • I want to find an incredible job and career that will make me incredibly happy and fulfilled with life.
  • I want to finally be able to drive so I can stop relying on other people to taxi me around.
  • I want to be financially stable by this time next year.
  • I want to make my family, and myself incredibly proud of everything I've achieved in the last few years, and prove that it's all been worth it.
So now it's crunch time. I've got to sort myself out, and enjoy every step of it. I've never been more sure or determined about anything.
Much love ♥ 


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