Maybe I've always been more comfortable in chaos....

Oh it's been a while since I've written a serious post hasn't it? Recently if I've not been on some adventure or writing about it, I've been busy working to pay for the next one, so that I've barely had the time to stop and think about everything. My mind has been filled to the brim with a million thoughts, and I've been on the point of snapping for too long, so I've forced myself to get my act together and sort it all out.

In the last few months I've been super stressed out. Uni work seems to be never-ending. The wait to go home dragged out, and Winchester and I were seriously stuck in the middle of a love/hate relationship. I was really starting to feel like I'd been there too long, and it was time for a change of scenery and to go back home to Weymouth. But now I'm back in Weymouth I've found I'm itching to go back to Winchester. I honestly can't figure out where it is I really want to be anymore. Plus everyday life was just grating on me, like all things I had to do, and the people I was around. It's really unhealthy, and was just generally making me really angry at the world. I like to think I'm usually a really lovely person, but recently I had been so angry, I wasn't even smiling at strangers anymore. (I know, how atrocious.) This way of feeling had gone on for so long it was becoming my natural state, and I was becoming totally oblivious to it, and it was only when people around me pointed out how stressed and chaotic I was constantly, that I realised I had to change. I'd become comfortable in my own chaos, despite the fact I'd been taking all my angst out on myself, and everyone around me. I decided I needed to find a little time just for me, and make myself the most important person for a while. No disrespect to the people around me, but sometimes my problems need to come before theirs, and I need to just forget about them for a little bit. There's only so much space in my head.

So here's my fool-proof way to clear your head, even if it's just for 10 minutes. Consider this a little self-help guide, a big hug if you will from me to you, letting you know that it's okay to be really pissed off at the world, but don't let it get you down for too long or you may go crazy.

Light some candles. Honestly, candles make so much of a difference. They can change the atmosphere of a room, and make it much cosier and comforting to be in. Scented candles are the best, choose one you love (for me it has to be either Jasmine or Vanilla), and light them up.

Go on a little walk. Walking can do wonders for a troubled soul. Walk away from your problems for a little while and get some fresh air, and everything will feel so much better. I'm extremely fortunate to currently be living by the sea, so a little trip to the beach always sorts me out.

Blast some tunes. Whether it's the album you're currently championing or some classic cheesy tunes, play it loud and play it proud. Have a bit of a sing-along and dance off your blues, seriously, it'll make you feel better. I've done this so many times now, I'm convinced my neighbours can see me and think I need locking up in a padded cell. I just really hope they don't mind Florence + The Machine's new album..

Make a list. Write down all the negative things on your mind, and write down how you intend to sort it out. Making an action plan of how you're gonna tackle everything makes things a little simpler, because you can see it all in front of you, and it's not all just swimming endlessly around your head anymore. Cross them off once you've sorted them out as well, it makes it that bit more satisfying.

Clean something. I'm a firm believer that a tidy room = a tidy mind. It allows me to be able to think straight, and it's often a great distraction for when my brain is drowning in stress.

Vent your issues. Lockdown a confidant and talk to them about what's on your mind. I have two people I always turn to for some balanced and sound advice on pretty much everything, which is an absolute blessing. Just be aware that you're not putting too much on them, or whining about everything all the time. Venting must be done sparingly and fairly.

Plan something worth looking forwards to. This one is basically my life. Always keep your hopes up by having something to look forwards to and work towards, it makes difficult days seem much more worth while and easier to get through. It doesn't have to be anything elaborate, it can just be a trip to the cinema with friends, but always plan something fun ahead.
Don't let things get on top of you, take time out for yourself, and only take on as much as you can cope with. You are a world within yourself, and you need to look after yourself. And trust me, even though you might not think so, you're doing great.

(Also bonus points for anyone who realised the post title is a Florence + The Machine Lyric from the song St. Jude on How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful!)
Much love  ♥  


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