Update: All the crazy things going on in my crazy life...

I did the very thing I promised I wouldn't do anymore - I didn't blog for an entire month. I know, it's incredibly shameful (when will I ever learn?!), but even though I spent half of April out of the country - which yes, you will definitely be hearing about in my next post -, I really had no other excuse. I've been up to my eyeballs in making crazy plans to ensure that 2015 will be the best year yet. 2015 is also shaping up to be my least financially secure year yet, I'm falling into the habit of booking things before I've fully paid off the previous plans...
So what have I got going on which are distracting me so from you? Let me divulge...
  1. My grand adventures in the U.S.A - I won't go into this much now, I'll save all of that for next week, but it was truly one of the best experiences of my life. I saw such incredible things, pushed myself further than I thought I could (I went hiking. I know, ME, hiking?), and made some awesome friends along the way. It's certainly going to be difficult to top this trip for a very long time.
  2. Twin Atlantic....again! - Definitely not a bad thing. What can I say, Em has got me hooked on Twin Atlantic, so we're seeing them again this week in London!
  3. Finishing Second Year of Uni - Can this hurry up already? Currently I have 4 assignments to hand in before I can officially say I'm 2/3 of the way through my degree. It's all getting a bit scary now (And I still have no idea what I'm doing with my life...eek!)
  4. Edinburgh - My housemate Em (who I'm sure you're all starting to quite fondly know and love after all the time I blog about her), and I have booked a couple of days in Edinburgh at the start of June. We did this for several reasons; to continue our two-woman trek of places in the UK, to get more tattoos, and so Em can meet the Scottish man of her dreams. I only hope her quest is more successful than mine, we all know how my plans to escape to Ireland and elope went...
  5. Wildlife Festival - Straight after we come back from Edinburgh, Em and I are off to sunny Brighton to go to Wildlife festival! What is Wildlife, I hear you cry? It's a festival set up by Disclosure and Rudimental, two of my all-time musical loves. Some of my absolute music faves will be there, including Disclosure and Rudimental of course, such as Sam Smith, George Ezra, Years and Years, B. Traits, Jess Glynne and Mark Ronson.
  6. New York City - So my mum decided to drop the incredible bombshell that she wants to take me to NYC for my 21st this October! I don't want to jinx this because nothing is officially booked yet, but this is looking to be absolutely incredible.
  7. Michael McIntyre - Em and I have had this booked for literally forever now. The weekend after my 21st we are going up to London to see Michael McIntyre and go out on LND town. How exciting!!
  8. Another Field Trip to the USA - It looks as though I'll be heading back stateside in January on a 'Civil Rights Pilgrimage', basically a trip around the American South, visiting places of great interest and importance during the Civil Rights Movement. I've been studying this since I was 17, so you can't begin to understand how much I'm really looking forwards to this.
As you can see, I seem to have caught the travelling bug pretty badly. With the likelihood I'll be stateside three times within one year, you can understand why my bank account is currently hating me too.
I also just quickly wanted to say how crazy it is to see people are still reading my blog on a daily basis, even though I'm hardly a regular poster! Last month I had the most page views since the month I started blogging, and I didn't even post once, which is just pure madness. I don't deserve all the page views for sure, but thank you all so much for reading all my random ramblings, recommending my blog to your friends, and checking in every now and again. I'm truly blessed and grateful. It's because of you wonderful people I'll try to keep writing.
Much love

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